Ever wondered what happens to the surplus food you collect and who it helps? This blog post is all about one of our partners and how exactly they help the community using the food you collect. Meet The Feed!

Lucy, the General Manager of The Feed, has provided some information about the amazing work they do:
‘The Feed is a not for profit social enterprise and charity. Our social purpose is to find ways to prevent poverty, hunger, and homelessness in Norwich.
We provide workplace supported training, work experience & support to people who have been homeless or are at risk of homelessness, suffered with their mental health, experienced addictions issues, have an offending history, or face other major barriers to employment. We use food as a catalyst to motivate change, improve confidence and self-belief, and gain the employment skills they need to move forward into a more fulfilling life.
All profits from our social café and catering business on Prince of Wales Road, support our purpose.’
Since the pandemic, as with many companies, The Feed had to adjust their activities:
‘As a result of Covid-19, we had to close our café and catering business. Instead, we moved focus to providing food parcels to rough sleepers who have been placed into emergency accommodation by local authorities.
Since the end of March, we have provided nearly 4000 food parcels! We are providing this service everyday- 7 days a week. I am enormously proud of all of my team who have really worked together to provide this access to food.
We have been collecting food from Foodhub since the beginning of April. Our busy chef has been cooking with the food and coming up with some delicious and healthy food to add to the food parcels every day. We’ve been making delicious pies, cakes, quiches and sandwiches.
Having the extra food that FoodHub has been able to supply, has meant we have been able to include extra’s into our food parcels and provide more food for people to eat.’
A massive thank you to all our volunteers for your help in supporting The Feed and our other partners. Your efforts really help the community and mean that many vulnerable people can have a good meal. Thank you!
If you would like to get involved, sign up to become a volunteer at https://10to8.com/book/norwichfoodhub/ and start making a difference in our community today.
If you would like to find out more information about The Feed, visit their website at https://thefeed.org.uk/. For more information about our other partners, see Our Partners blog series.